Source code for jsonpath2.parser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The jsonpath parser module."""
import antlr4
from jsonpath2.expressions.operator import (
from jsonpath2.expressions.some import SomeExpression
from jsonpath2.nodes.current import CurrentNode
from jsonpath2.nodes.recursivedescent import RecursiveDescentNode
from jsonpath2.nodes.root import RootNode
from jsonpath2.nodes.subscript import SubscriptNode
from jsonpath2.nodes.terminal import TerminalNode

from jsonpath2.parser.JSONPathLexer import JSONPathLexer
from jsonpath2.parser.JSONPathListener import JSONPathListener
from jsonpath2.parser.JSONPathParser import JSONPathParser

from jsonpath2.subscripts.arrayindex import ArrayIndexSubscript
from jsonpath2.subscripts.arrayslice import ArraySliceSubscript
from jsonpath2.subscripts.callable import CallableSubscript
from jsonpath2.subscripts.filter import FilterSubscript
from jsonpath2.subscripts.node import NodeSubscript
from jsonpath2.subscripts.objectindex import ObjectIndexSubscript
from jsonpath2.subscripts.wildcard import WildcardSubscript

[docs]class CallableSubscriptNotFoundError(ValueError): """Callable subscript not found error."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name): """Initialize callable subscript not found error.""" super(CallableSubscriptNotFoundError, self).__init__() = name
def __str__(self): """Message.""" return "callable subscript '{0}' not found".format("'", "\\'") )
CALLABLE_SUBSCRIPTS_ = {cls.__str__: cls for cls in CallableSubscript.__subclasses__()} # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]def _createCallableSubscript(name, *args, **kwargs): """Create callable subscript for name, arguments and keyword arguments.""" if name in CALLABLE_SUBSCRIPTS_: cls = CALLABLE_SUBSCRIPTS_[name] return cls(*args, **kwargs) raise CallableSubscriptNotFoundError(name)
# pylint: enable=invalid-name
[docs]class _ConsoleErrorListener(antlr4.error.ErrorListener.ConsoleErrorListener): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # this is an error handling issue with antlr
[docs] def syntaxError(self, recognizer, offendingSymbol, line, column, msg, e): raise ValueError("line {}:{} {}".format(line, column, msg))
# pylint: enable=too-many-arguments
[docs]class _JSONPathListener(JSONPathListener):
[docs] def __init__(self, _stack=None): super(_JSONPathListener, self).__init__() self._stack = _stack if _stack else []
[docs] def exitJsonpath(self, ctx: JSONPathParser.JsonpathContext): if ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.ROOT_VALUE, 0) is not None: if bool(ctx.subscript()): next_node = self._stack.pop() else: next_node = TerminalNode() self._stack.append(RootNode(next_node)) else: # NOTE Unreachable when listener is used as tree walker. raise ValueError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] def exitJsonpath_(self, ctx: JSONPathParser.JsonpathContext): if bool(ctx.subscript()): next_node = self._stack.pop() else: next_node = TerminalNode() if ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.ROOT_VALUE, 0) is not None: self._stack.append(RootNode(next_node)) elif ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.CURRENT_VALUE, 0) is not None: self._stack.append(CurrentNode(next_node)) else: # NOTE Unreachable when listener is used as tree walker. raise ValueError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] def exitJsonpath__(self, ctx: JSONPathParser.JsonpathContext): pass
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches # It would sure be nice if we had a case statement.
[docs] def exitSubscript(self, ctx: JSONPathParser.SubscriptContext): if ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.RECURSIVE_DESCENT, 0) is not None: if bool(ctx.subscript()): next_node = self._stack.pop() else: next_node = TerminalNode() if bool(ctx.subscriptableBareword()): subscriptable_nodes = [self._stack.pop()] elif bool(ctx.subscriptables()): subscriptable_nodes = self._stack.pop() else: # NOTE Unreachable when listener is used as tree walker. raise ValueError() # pragma: no cover self._stack.append( RecursiveDescentNode(SubscriptNode(next_node, subscriptable_nodes)) ) elif ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.SUBSCRIPT, 0) is not None: if bool(ctx.subscript()): next_node = self._stack.pop() else: next_node = TerminalNode() if bool(ctx.subscriptableBareword()): subscriptable_nodes = [self._stack.pop()] else: # NOTE Unreachable when listener is used as tree walker. raise ValueError() # pragma: no cover self._stack.append(SubscriptNode(next_node, subscriptable_nodes)) else: if bool(ctx.subscript()): next_node = self._stack.pop() else: next_node = TerminalNode() if bool(ctx.subscriptables()): subscriptable_nodes = self._stack.pop() else: # NOTE Unreachable when listener is used as tree walker. raise ValueError() # pragma: no cover self._stack.append(SubscriptNode(next_node, subscriptable_nodes))
# pylint: enable=too-many-branches
[docs] def exitSubscriptables(self, ctx: JSONPathParser.SubscriptablesContext): subscriptable_nodes = [] for _subscriptable_ctx in ctx.getTypedRuleContexts( JSONPathParser.SubscriptableContext ): subscriptable_node = self._stack.pop() subscriptable_nodes.insert(0, subscriptable_node) self._stack.append(subscriptable_nodes)
[docs] def exitSubscriptableArguments( self, ctx: JSONPathParser.SubscriptableArgumentsContext ): args = [] for _arg_ctx in ctx.getTypedRuleContexts(JSONPathParser.Jsonpath__Context): arg = self._stack.pop() args.insert(0, arg) self._stack.append(args)
[docs] def exitSubscriptableBareword( self, ctx: JSONPathParser.SubscriptableBarewordContext ): if bool(ctx.ID()): text = ctx.ID().getText() if bool(ctx.subscriptableArguments()): args = self._stack.pop() self._stack.append(_createCallableSubscript(text, *args)) else: self._stack.append(ObjectIndexSubscript(text)) elif ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.WILDCARD_SUBSCRIPT, 0) is not None: self._stack.append(WildcardSubscript()) else: # NOTE Unreachable when listener is used as tree walker. raise ValueError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] def exitSubscriptable(self, ctx: JSONPathParser.SubscriptableContext): if bool(ctx.STRING()): text = ctx.STRING().getText()[1:-1] self._stack.append(ObjectIndexSubscript(text)) elif bool(ctx.NUMBER()): if bool(ctx.sliceable()): func = self._stack.pop() start = int(ctx.NUMBER().getText()) if bool(ctx.NUMBER()) else None self._stack.append(func(start)) else: index = int(ctx.NUMBER().getText()) self._stack.append(ArrayIndexSubscript(index)) elif bool(ctx.sliceable()): func = self._stack.pop() start = None self._stack.append(func(start)) elif ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.WILDCARD_SUBSCRIPT, 0) is not None: self._stack.append(WildcardSubscript()) elif ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.QUESTION, 0) is not None: expression = self._stack.pop() self._stack.append(FilterSubscript(expression)) elif bool(ctx.jsonpath_()): next_node = self._stack.pop() self._stack.append(NodeSubscript(next_node)) elif bool(ctx.ID()): text = ctx.ID().getText() args = self._stack.pop() self._stack.append(_createCallableSubscript(text, *args)) else: # NOTE Unreachable when listener is used as tree walker. raise ValueError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] def exitSliceable(self, ctx: JSONPathParser.SliceableContext): # NOTE # # This issue is caused by the way that ANTLR4 indexes terminals in a # context. In ANTLR4, when two or more terminals with the same name are # present in the same production, but only a subset of terminals are # parsed, the indexing does not reflect the position of the terminal # within the production. # # For #35, when the string "::n" is parsed, for a given "n", the context # contains only 1 "NUMBER" terminal, which is assigned the index 0, # where the index 1 would be expected (with the index 0 returning 'None' # or a similar sentinel value). # # The mitigation is to test for the presence of the second "COLON" # terminal and then to verify that it came before the second "NUMBER" # terminal. if bool(ctx.NUMBER(0)): if bool(ctx.COLON(1)): if bool(ctx.NUMBER(1)): # When there are 2 "COLON" and "NUMBER" terminals, assign to # 'end' and 'step' as usual. end = int(ctx.NUMBER(0).getText()) step = int(ctx.NUMBER(1).getText()) elif ( ctx.NUMBER(0).getSourceInterval()[0] < ctx.COLON(1).getSourceInterval()[0] ): # When there are 2 "COLON" terminals but only 1 "NUMBER" # terminal, if the "NUMBER" terminal occurs **before** the # second "COLON" terminal, then assign to 'end' only. end = int(ctx.NUMBER(0).getText()) step = None else: # When there are 2 "COLON" terminals but only 1 "NUMBER" # terminal, if the "NUMBER" terminal occurs **after** the # second "COLON" terminal, then assign to 'step' only. end = None step = int(ctx.NUMBER(0).getText()) else: # When there is 1 "COLON" terminal and 1 "NUMBER" terminal, # assignn to 'end' only. end = int(ctx.NUMBER(0).getText()) step = None else: end = None step = None self._stack.append(lambda start: ArraySliceSubscript(start, end, step))
[docs] def exitAndExpression(self, ctx: JSONPathParser.AndExpressionContext): expressions = [] if bool(ctx.andExpression()): expression = self._stack.pop() if isinstance(expression, AndVariadicOperatorExpression): expressions = expression.expressions + expressions else: expressions.insert(0, expression) expression = self._stack.pop() if isinstance(expression, AndVariadicOperatorExpression): expressions = expression.expressions + expressions else: expressions.insert(0, expression) if not expressions: # NOTE Unreachable when listener is used as tree walker. raise ValueError() # pragma: no cover if len(expressions) == 1: self._stack.append(expressions[0]) else: self._stack.append(AndVariadicOperatorExpression(expressions))
[docs] def exitOrExpression(self, ctx: JSONPathParser.OrExpressionContext): expressions = [] if bool(ctx.orExpression()): expression = self._stack.pop() if isinstance(expression, OrVariadicOperatorExpression): expressions = expression.expressions + expressions else: expressions.insert(0, expression) expression = self._stack.pop() if isinstance(expression, OrVariadicOperatorExpression): expressions = expression.expressions + expressions else: expressions.insert(0, expression) if not expressions: # NOTE Unreachable when listener is used as tree walker. raise ValueError() # pragma: no cover if len(expressions) == 1: self._stack.append(expressions[0]) else: self._stack.append(OrVariadicOperatorExpression(expressions))
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
[docs] def exitNotExpression(self, ctx: JSONPathParser.NotExpressionContext): if bool(ctx.notExpression()): expression = self._stack.pop() if isinstance(expression, NotUnaryOperatorExpression): self._stack.append(expression.expression) else: self._stack.append(NotUnaryOperatorExpression(expression)) elif bool(ctx.jsonpath__(1)): right_node_or_value = self._stack.pop() left_node_or_value = self._stack.pop() if ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.EQ, 0) is not None: self._stack.append( EqualBinaryOperatorExpression( left_node_or_value, right_node_or_value ) ) elif ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.NE, 0) is not None: self._stack.append( NotEqualBinaryOperatorExpression( left_node_or_value, right_node_or_value ) ) elif ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.LT, 0) is not None: self._stack.append( LessThanBinaryOperatorExpression( left_node_or_value, right_node_or_value ) ) elif ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.LE, 0) is not None: self._stack.append( LessThanOrEqualToBinaryOperatorExpression( left_node_or_value, right_node_or_value ) ) elif ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.GT, 0) is not None: self._stack.append( GreaterThanBinaryOperatorExpression( left_node_or_value, right_node_or_value ) ) elif ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.GE, 0) is not None: self._stack.append( GreaterThanOrEqualToBinaryOperatorExpression( left_node_or_value, right_node_or_value ) ) elif ctx.getToken(JSONPathParser.CN, 0) is not None: self._stack.append( ContainsBinaryOperatorExpression( left_node_or_value, right_node_or_value ) ) else: # NOTE Unreachable when listener is used as tree walker. raise ValueError() # pragma: no cover elif bool(ctx.jsonpath__(0)): next_node_or_value = self._stack.pop() self._stack.append(SomeExpression(next_node_or_value)) else: pass
# pylint: enable=too-many-branches
[docs] def exitObj(self, ctx: JSONPathParser.ObjContext): values = [] for pair_ctx in ctx.getTypedRuleContexts(JSONPathParser.PairContext): value = self._stack.pop() values.insert(0, value) obj = {} for index, pair_ctx in enumerate( ctx.getTypedRuleContexts(JSONPathParser.PairContext) ): key = pair_ctx.STRING().getText()[1:-1] obj[key] = values[index] self._stack.append(obj)
[docs] def exitArray(self, ctx: JSONPathParser.ArrayContext): array = [] for _value_ctx in ctx.getTypedRuleContexts(JSONPathParser.ValueContext): value = self._stack.pop() array.insert(0, value) self._stack.append(array)
[docs] def exitValue(self, ctx: JSONPathParser.ValueContext): if bool(ctx.STRING()): text = ctx.STRING().getText()[1:-1] self._stack.append(text) elif bool(ctx.NUMBER()): text = ctx.NUMBER().getText() if ("." in text) or ("E" in text) or ("e" in text): self._stack.append(float(text)) else: self._stack.append(int(text)) elif bool(ctx.obj()): pass elif bool(ctx.array()): pass elif bool(ctx.TRUE()): self._stack.append(True) elif bool(ctx.FALSE()): self._stack.append(False) elif bool(ctx.NULL()): self._stack.append(None) else: # NOTE Unreachable when listener is used as tree walker. raise ValueError() # pragma: no cover
[docs]class _JSONPathParser(JSONPathParser): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def tryCast(self, cls): """Override the antlr tryCast method.""" try: cls(self._input.LT(-1).text) return True except ValueError: return False
# pylint: enable=invalid-name
[docs]def _parse_input_stream(input_stream: antlr4.InputStream) -> RootNode: error_listener = _ConsoleErrorListener() lexer = JSONPathLexer(input_stream) lexer.addErrorListener(error_listener) token_stream = antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = _JSONPathParser(token_stream) parser.addErrorListener(error_listener) tree = parser.jsonpath() listener = _JSONPathListener(_stack=[]) walker = antlr4.ParseTreeWalker() walker.walk(listener, tree) # pylint: disable=protected-access return listener._stack.pop()
# pylint: enable=protected-access
[docs]def parse_file(*args, **kwargs) -> RootNode: """Parse a json path from a file.""" file_stream = antlr4.FileStream(*args, **kwargs) return _parse_input_stream(file_stream)
[docs]def parse_str(*args, **kwargs) -> RootNode: """Parse a json path from a string.""" input_stream = antlr4.InputStream(*args, **kwargs) return _parse_input_stream(input_stream)