Source code for jsonpath2.expressions.operator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The operator expression module."""
import json
from typing import Callable, Generator, List, Union
from jsonpath2.expression import Expression
from jsonpath2.node import Node

[docs]class OperatorExpression(Expression): """Basic operator expression object.""" def __jsonpath__( self, ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: # pragma: no cover abstract method """Abstract method to return the jsonpath."""
[docs] def evaluate( self, root_value: object, current_value: object ) -> bool: # pragma: no cover abstract method """Abstract method to evaluate the expression."""
[docs]class BinaryOperatorExpression(OperatorExpression): """Binary operator expression."""
[docs] def __init__( self, token: str, callback: Callable[[object, object], bool], left_node_or_value: Union[Node, object], right_node_or_value: Union[Node, object], ): """Constructor save the left right and token.""" super(BinaryOperatorExpression, self).__init__() self.token = token self.callback = callback self.left_node_or_value = left_node_or_value self.right_node_or_value = right_node_or_value
def __jsonpath__(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """Return the string json path of this expression.""" if isinstance(self.left_node_or_value, Node): for left_node_token in self.left_node_or_value.__jsonpath__(): yield left_node_token else: yield json.dumps(self.left_node_or_value) yield " " yield self.token yield " " if isinstance(self.right_node_or_value, Node): for right_node_token in self.right_node_or_value.__jsonpath__(): yield right_node_token else: yield json.dumps(self.right_node_or_value)
[docs] def evaluate(self, root_value: object, current_value: object) -> bool: """Evaluate the left and right values given the token.""" if isinstance(self.left_node_or_value, Node): left_values = ( left_node_match_data.current_value for left_node_match_data in self.left_node_or_value.match( root_value, current_value ) ) else: left_values = [ self.left_node_or_value, ] if isinstance(self.right_node_or_value, Node): right_values = ( right_node_match_data.current_value for right_node_match_data in self.right_node_or_value.match( root_value, current_value ) ) else: right_values = [ self.right_node_or_value, ] return any( self.callback(left_value, right_value) for left_value in left_values for right_value in right_values )
[docs]class EqualBinaryOperatorExpression(BinaryOperatorExpression): """Binary Equal operator expression."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor with the right function.""" super(EqualBinaryOperatorExpression, self).__init__( "=", EqualBinaryOperatorExpression.__evaluate__, *args, **kwargs )
@staticmethod def __evaluate__(x_obj, y_obj): """Perform an equal on int or float.""" return x_obj == y_obj
[docs]class NotEqualBinaryOperatorExpression(BinaryOperatorExpression): """Binary Equal operator expression."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor with the right function.""" super(NotEqualBinaryOperatorExpression, self).__init__( "!=", NotEqualBinaryOperatorExpression.__evaluate__, *args, **kwargs )
@staticmethod def __evaluate__(x_obj, y_obj): """Perform a not equal on int or float.""" return x_obj != y_obj
[docs]class LessThanBinaryOperatorExpression(BinaryOperatorExpression): """Expression to handle less than."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Construct the binary operator with appropriate method.""" super(LessThanBinaryOperatorExpression, self).__init__( "<", LessThanBinaryOperatorExpression.__evaluate__, *args, **kwargs )
@staticmethod def __evaluate__(x_obj, y_obj): """Perform a less than on int or float.""" if isinstance(x_obj, (float, int)) and isinstance(y_obj, (float, int)): return x_obj < y_obj return False
[docs]class LessThanOrEqualToBinaryOperatorExpression(BinaryOperatorExpression): """Expression to handle less than or equal."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Construct the binary operator with appropriate method.""" super(LessThanOrEqualToBinaryOperatorExpression, self).__init__( "<=", LessThanOrEqualToBinaryOperatorExpression.__evaluate__, *args, **kwargs )
@staticmethod def __evaluate__(x_obj, y_obj): """Perform a less than or equal to on int or float.""" if isinstance(x_obj, (float, int)) and isinstance(y_obj, (float, int)): return x_obj <= y_obj return False
[docs]class GreaterThanBinaryOperatorExpression(BinaryOperatorExpression): """Expression to handle greater than."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Construct the binary operator with appropriate method.""" super(GreaterThanBinaryOperatorExpression, self).__init__( ">", GreaterThanBinaryOperatorExpression.__evaluate__, *args, **kwargs )
@staticmethod def __evaluate__(x_obj, y_obj): """Perform a greater than on int or float.""" if isinstance(x_obj, (float, int)) and isinstance(y_obj, (float, int)): return x_obj > y_obj return False
[docs]class GreaterThanOrEqualToBinaryOperatorExpression(BinaryOperatorExpression): """Expression to handle greater than or equal."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Construct the binary operator with appropriate method.""" super(GreaterThanOrEqualToBinaryOperatorExpression, self).__init__( ">=", GreaterThanOrEqualToBinaryOperatorExpression.__evaluate__, *args, **kwargs )
@staticmethod def __evaluate__(x_obj, y_obj): """Perform a greater than or equal to on int or float.""" if isinstance(x_obj, (float, int)) and isinstance(y_obj, (float, int)): return x_obj >= y_obj return False
[docs]class ContainsBinaryOperatorExpression(BinaryOperatorExpression): """Expression to handle in."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Construct the binary operator with appropriate method.""" super(ContainsBinaryOperatorExpression, self).__init__( "contains", ContainsBinaryOperatorExpression.__evaluate__, *args, **kwargs )
@staticmethod def __evaluate__(x_obj, y_obj): """Perform an in.""" return y_obj in x_obj
[docs]class UnaryOperatorExpression(OperatorExpression): """Unary operator expression base class."""
[docs] def __init__( self, token: str, callback: Callable[[bool], bool], expression: Expression ): """Save the callback operator the token and expression.""" super(UnaryOperatorExpression, self).__init__() self.token = token self.callback = callback self.expression = expression
def __jsonpath__(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """Generate the jsonpath for a unary operator.""" yield self.token yield " " if isinstance( self.expression, (UnaryOperatorExpression, VariadicOperatorExpression) ): yield "(" for expression_token in self.expression.__jsonpath__(): yield expression_token if isinstance( self.expression, (UnaryOperatorExpression, VariadicOperatorExpression) ): yield ")"
[docs] def evaluate(self, root_value: object, current_value: object) -> bool: """Evaluate the unary expression.""" return self.callback(self.expression.evaluate(root_value, current_value))
[docs]class NotUnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorExpression): """Unary class to handle the 'not' expression."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Call the unary operator expression with the right method.""" super(NotUnaryOperatorExpression, self).__init__( "not", NotUnaryOperatorExpression.__evaluate__, *args, **kwargs )
@staticmethod def __evaluate__(x_obj): """The unary not function.""" return not x_obj
[docs]class VariadicOperatorExpression(OperatorExpression): """Base class to handle boolean expressions of variadic type."""
[docs] def __init__( self, token: str, callback: Callable[[List[bool]], bool], expressions: List[Expression] = None, ): """Save the operator token, callback and the list of expressions.""" super(VariadicOperatorExpression, self).__init__() self.token = token self.callback = callback self.expressions = expressions if expressions else []
def __jsonpath__(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """Yield the string of the expression.""" expressions_count = len(self.expressions) if expressions_count == 0: pass elif expressions_count == 1: for expression_token in self.expressions[0].__jsonpath__(): yield expression_token else: for expression_index, expression in enumerate(self.expressions): if expression_index > 0: yield " " yield self.token yield " " if isinstance(expression, VariadicOperatorExpression): yield "(" for expression_token in expression.__jsonpath__(): yield expression_token if isinstance(expression, VariadicOperatorExpression): yield ")"
[docs] def evaluate(self, root_value: object, current_value: object) -> bool: """Evaluate the expressions against the boolean callback.""" return self.callback( map( lambda expression: expression.evaluate(root_value, current_value), self.expressions, ) )
[docs]class AndVariadicOperatorExpression(VariadicOperatorExpression): """The boolean 'and' operator expression."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Call the super with the 'and' boolean method.""" super(AndVariadicOperatorExpression, self).__init__("and", all, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class OrVariadicOperatorExpression(VariadicOperatorExpression): """The boolean 'or' operator expression."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Call the super with the 'or' boolean method.""" super(OrVariadicOperatorExpression, self).__init__("or", any, *args, **kwargs)